This webpage is being developed to support the operations of the Lawrence County Community Organizations Active in Disasters (LCCOAD), which is in the process of reorganizing with the assistance of the Lawrence County Department of Public Safety.
So, what’s a VOAD?
VOAD (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters) means one or coalition of (usually not-for-profit) Second Responder organizations in the United States. These groups voluntarily help survivors after a disaster. VOAD members cannot activate, direct, or supervise one another without a special agreement (such as a MOU). (See the whole Wikipedia VOAD article)

This organization is called the Lawrence County COAD. What’s the difference between a VOAD and a COAD? (read about it here)

Are you connected to a community group, agency, or business that can provide services, support, supplies or equipment during a disaster? See the How To Help tab.